Where to go to see the Coast to Coast Seminar
Pacific Time | Mountain Time | Central Time | Eastern Time | Atlantic Time | Newfoundland Time |
11:30-12:30 | 12:30-1:30 | 1:30-2:30 | 2:30-3:30 | 3:30-4:30 | 4:00-5:00 |
Note that Saskatchewan is in the Central Time Zone and does not observe daylight saving time except in Lloydminster which uses Mountain Time. Please verify the seminar time with the organizer if you are in Saskatchewan.
Seminar Locations
British Columbia
Simon Fraser University, IRMACS Presentation Studio, Applied Sciences Building (ASB), Room 10900 (RSVP to c2c-rsvp@irmacs.sfu.ca)
University of British Columbia, Earth Systems Building (ESB), Room 4127 (RSVP to rsvp@westgrid.ca)
University of British Columbia - Okanagan, Fipke Centre, Room 337 (RSVP to rsvp@westgrid.ca)
University of Northern British Columbia, Admin Building, Room 2024 (RSVP to rsvp@westgrid.ca)
University of Victoria, Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) Building, Room 468 (RSVP to rsvp@westgrid.ca)
University of Alberta - ECHA 2-490, Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (RSVP to rsvp@westgrid.ca)
University of Calgary - 337, Math Sciences (RSVP to rsvp@westgrid.ca)
University of Lethbridge - L1116, CRDC (RSVP rsvp@westgrid.ca)
Athabasca University - Room 1112, 10011-109 St, Edmonton, AB (RSVP rsvp@westgrid.ca)
University of Saskatchewan - 2D71, Agriculture (RSVP to rsvp@westgrid.ca)
University of Regina - RIC 408.1 (RSVP to rsvp@westgrid.ca)
University of Manitoba - E2-528, EITC Building (RSVP to rsvp@westgrid.ca)
Brandon University - Room G20-B, Brodie Science Building (RSVP to rsvp@westgrid.ca)
University of Winnipeg - Room 0B01E, Bryce Hall (RSVP to rsvp@westgrid.ca)
Carleton University - 3230B in Herzberg (RSVP to help@hpcvl.org)
Queen's University - Main Campus, Mac-Corry Hall, Room B113 (RSVP to help@hpcvl.org)
Queen's University (HPCVL) - 993 Princess St, Unit 115 (RSVP to help@hpcvl.org)
University of Toronto - SciNet Video Conf. Rm., 256 McCaul St. (support@scinet.utoronto.ca)
Université de Montréal: D-423, pavillon Roger-Gaudry (RSVP to support@calculquebec.ca)
Université de Sherbrooke: D3-1058, Faculté des sciences (RSVP to Videoconf-Sciences@USherbrooke.ca)
Université Laval: 1138-H pavillon Pouliot (RSVP to support@calculquebec.ca)
McGill University: École de technologie supérieure (ETS): A-4602, Pavillon A (RSVP to support@calculquebec.ca)
New Brunswick
Mount Allison University - G02, Bennet (RSVP to dsipdell@mta.ca)
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton - GE131, Gillin Hall (RSVP to lyang@unb.ca)
University of New Brunswick, Saint John - IH215, Irving Hall (RSVP to nicholas@unb.ca)
Nova Scotia
Acadia University (RSVP to duane.currie@acadiau.ca)
Dalhousie University - 305, Chase Building (RSVP to hpc-support@lists.dal.ca)
St. Francis Xavier University - 205, 42 West St. (RSVP to jastewar@stfx.ca)
Saint Mary’s University - 127, Science Bldg (RSVP to icaadmin@ap.smu.ca)
Cape Breton University - Technology Center T35 (RSVP to ben_pickles@cbu.ca)
Memorial University - ER4015, Earth Sciences (RSVP to csquires@mun.ca)
Prince Edward Island
University of Prince Edward Island (RSVP to cvessey@upei.ca)
For more information
E-mail c2c@irmacs.sfu.ca.